Preliminary Task


For the preliminary task, we had to display our skills in filming a short dialogue sequence. The first thing we had to do was talk through where the best location would be for the sequence. We tried to pick an area that was large; therefore a camera can be placed in different places easily for a variety of shots, an idea could then be developed off this space. The next thing was storyboarding, we mapped out what would happen within the short clip and which camera shots, angles and direction and the position of actors as well as what dialogue would be said and at what times. Here is a copy of the storyboard:


The last thing was to choose actors, this was based on people who felt comfortable being “in the spotlight” and being on camera, but also would be able to make up repeatable sequence of dialogue quickly that was appropriate.

Preliminary task: I believe that our preliminary task went well as a practice but there were many clear mistakes with it, these mistakes will help to improve our final piece and outline where to improve. though we did keep to the 180 degree rule and the match on action.

Negatives: Shooting through a window this meant there was a reflection and you could see the camera taking away the illusion of a film and the movie, also having a hand-held camera, it was shaky and made it look unprofessional. The sound quality was also poor, the actors were not loud enough for the camera to pick up.

Positives: I think that the close up used when the planner was being caught was very good and made you pay attention to that section.

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