180 Degree rule and match on action!

The 180o degree rule

Normally films are created using the 180o rule; this is where shots are only filmed within an 180o. This technique is used to prevent the audience from becoming disorientated with what is happening, the rule is only necessary when continuity is important to the film.

For example, if two people are having a conversation, the first shot is the orange man on the right and it cuts to a different angle with the orange man on the left it will disorientate the viewer and become confusing. The green line outlines where the camera can film from and the red where it would not.

Match on action

A match cut helps to carry on the action; it’s not as sharp as a jump cut where there is no link between actions. With a match on action the cut to a new action or scene is more seamless, it’s used to cut from one shot to another, both shots match and is normally the same action further on. It creates a visual ‘bridge’ between the shots and scenes that let the action carry on.

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